A series of three digital illustrations printed on transparent decal paper and glued on transparent plexiglass. This series is thinking about how I can heal from past traumatizing experiences and situations.

Image of prints on Beans Gallery wall
I am being transparent in this series, and sometimes my transparency comes across as frank and simple. But such simplicity is important for me to see things clearly. While interacting in predominantly white spaces, often I feel perpetually trapped with no other place to go. My wings only flutter for my own desires. Or until someone takes me out the cage to fly around for entertainment or for their profit before placing me back in the cage. But true freedom seems impossible in this environment. Or sometimes I just feel invisible— unseen, unheard, unacknowledged. Grasping to be reached, touched. But I'm a ghost. And when I try to speak on these issues, I’m given many excuses, too many apologies. Seldom any solutions. If I had a jar...

"Trapped." 18x24in

"On Being Invisible" 18x24in